Significant effort by us has been put into developing strong relationships with those directly or indirectly involved with the VH-MDX accident.
The result of this is the most thorough collection of information and data relating to VH-MDX currently available. Our network of people and organisations supporting our VH-MDX research is perhaps the most significant since the initial search efforts.
We recommend other researchers to ‘tread lightly’ when researching VH-MDX and to use our website as the main information resource rather than loading up organisations with duplicated requests for information. We feel and see the pressure placed on agencies that are constantly receiving applications for information.
We are the clear leader when it comes to such information; we have dug deep into organisations and located much information relating to VH-MDX. Please overview our information and avoid loading up agencies with requests for information: requests have been submitted by many people many times before. Too many requests will result in less information.
Researchers are also kindly asked to avoid using the names of any people directly or indirectly involved in the accident if possible. There is little need to do so: it will not assist in locating VH-MDX. Note that most of our information sources do not include the names of the individuals involved. This is the standard practice of professional aviation safety investigation agencies.
Approaching the media with claims of ‘new information’ and similar tends to generate false hope and negativity amongst those involved in the accident and more often than not for no pragmatic gain in locating the aircraft.
Any items found that potentially could be related to VH-MDX such as possible wreckage must be reported to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) or NSW Police.
We directly receive the negative feedback from those involved in the accident or from the agencies assisting us almost every-time one of the above events occurs. Please be mindful of what outcomes you may generate.