Search records assist with search planning to minimise duplication or to justify re-searching an area. Sadly, many search records have been lost whilst others are kept from sharing. Not sharing search records simply makes the objective of locating VH-MDX a more distant outcome.
We are progressively populating the map on this website with GNSS (‘GPS’) search tracks and general areas searched before proliferation of GNSS. This process will take a significant amount of time.
If you or your organisation have search records to contribute please provide as much of the following information as possible. For new searches, adherence to the following guidelines is strongly recommended:
- Name of organisation and team leaders for each search group
- Date of search
- Electronic GNSS (GPS) track files of the search (e.g. .gpx files)
- GNSS locations of significant terrain or vegetation that impeded the search or may have prevented an effective search in that area
- Likeliness during your search when considering prevailing conditions and environment of detecting objects the size of:
- a small car such as a VW GOLF and,
- a soccer ball
Some search records are now visible on our online map